Thursday, February 26, 2015

All about me


  1. well done sienna the pandas are so adorable

  2. WOW!! Sienna you have put so much information into your All about me presentation. I can really tell that it is all about !!YOU!!
    !!Keep up the Terrific Effort!!

  3. Sienna I love the way that you love pandas it was funny when the panda fell down kai pai

  4. Sienna I love the way you added those pandas there so adorable . I think you showed a lot of pride in your all about me project.It was funny when the panda came down the slide and the time when the panda fell of the log .
    AWESOME WORK Sienna !!
    kai pai !!

  5. Awesome work Sienna know I know all about you. My favourite animal is a Panda as well because I think they are cute when they eat.

  6. Awesome work Sienna know I know all about you. My favourite animal is a Panda as well because I think they are cute when they eat.
