Monday, November 10, 2014

Why dogs are the best

Dog Stock 052 byAmerican Eskimo dog with aDogs

Dogs are the best because you can do lots of things with them. They will be the most playful pet you would have ever have. They are really cheap unlike  rats, cats, goldfish and turtles. Dogs bring joy and happiness in the family. Dogs can be good guard dogs. You can train them to fetch things. Some people say that dogs are annoying because they bark a lot and some people don’t like dogs because some dogs bite but sometimes, that is only because some dogs either get a fright or they get teased by people

Keep reading to make you want a dog so badly that you will go and get as soon as you finished reading.

When you get a dog at first they might not be as playful as you think but after a couple of days they will be playful enough to be walked down to the park and be let off the lead so it can run around. Dogs are really playful with children because children can run around with them, you can train dogs to play fetch and you can teach them to to roll over unlike cats or goldfish.

People think that dogs are expensive but some dog are not, Dog food is cheap you can get it at any pet shop even the supermarket,with rats you have to buy a cage for them and it can be really expensive sometimes. you can get dog beds really cheap as well you can get them at any pet shops too.

Dogs are really good guarding pets unlike cats because they just sit around and do nothing, rats are not really good guard pets either because they just crawl around in a cage. If you are out and you leave your dog at home then if your dog is trained to guard your house then you can leave your dog at home without worrying about it.

I hope this is helped you if you want to buy a dog or not. Remember they are really playful, they are cheap and they a really good guard dog. If you want to buy a dog then go to your local pet store.

By Sienna

1 comment:

  1. Hi your photos of dogs are cute, don`t you just love dogs.
